Why do we spell sweetpotato as one word?

You may have noticed across our website that we spell sweetpotato as one word. No, it’s not a typo or a funny way we like to spell it - it’s how the industry has agreed it should be spelled so as to not be confused with other potatoes (white, red, or yellow). Sweetpotatoes are from a totally different horticultural family than potatoes, so to distinguish them the National Sweetpotato Collaborators officially adopted the one-word spelling in 1989.

As one of the largest sweetpotato grower and shippers, we stand by the one-word spelling and urge you to too. Join the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission’s petition to get the world (and official dictionaries) on board with the one-word spelling.

Check out the two articles below to learn even more about the one-word spelling of sweetpotato and its significance.

Sweetpotato: One word or two?

A Sweet Spelling